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Adopt Siberian Husky Dogs in D.C.
25-03-05-00264D099CeCe (f)(female)Lab mixDistrict of Columbia, Washington, DCID: 25-03-05-00264

I just can't understand it....I'm an almost perfect dog, but no one has adopted me. My beautiful foster sister
Read more »25-02-05-00119D147Halsey (f)(female)Siberian HuskyDistrict of Columbia, Washington, DCID: 25-02-05-00119

Halsey LOVES other dogs and tries to mother them all. She sings her husky song when she wants attention, and loves
Read more »25-01-31-00259D147Bishop (m)(male)Siberian HuskyDistrict of Columbia, Washington, DCID: 25-01-31-00259